NRSGC Range Info.

Range Information Here

hand gun range

Bowling Pin Targets

Our handgun range offers our members the opportunity to use their restricted handguns (both small and large bore) to hit bowling pin targets located just 8 meters away. Shooting positions are covered from the elements.

rifle range

25/50yrd & 50/100yrd

Our Clubs’ rifle range has a 25/50 and a 50/100 outdoor target facility that is approved for any type of restricted handgun and rifles which is open to any legal hunting caliber to all members (some restrictions apply).

We also have target gongs and a shotgun pattern board located on the 50/100m range. Shooting positions are covered from the elements.

sporting clay range

Sporting Clays

Our Club offers an 8 Station course that provides a realistic hunting environment of where a clay bird, rabbit and battue presentations are manually launched that shooters of all levels can enjoy.

Organized Club shoots are available on both Sunday and Wednesday mornings.

archery range

Bows, Compound and Cross Bows

One of the hidden gems of the NRSGC is our archery range.

Tucked neatly away in our tree lined shooting lanes, archers are able to sight in their bows not only from 20,30,35 + yards but from our raised wooden platforms which simulates heights and angles from a tree stand!

Shooters will find that (when you bring your own target bags) they can rest it perfectly in 2 pre-construction boxes.

We also have available a bench for you to lay out your equipment to keep you organized!

2024 Current Officers


Patrick Patterson

Vice President

Peter Rempel


Dan Michels


Gary Iggulden






Niagara Regional Sportsmen’s Gun Club
P.O. Box 185,
Smithville, Ontario