Current Members and new members signupsWANT TO JOIN THE NRSGC OR CURRENTLY A MEMBER?
Very important to know!
You will be emailed a renewal document with the club’s newsletter. Note if you have not changed your address, Phone Number, email or your R/PAL then you will not need to send in a renewal document. If any of the information listed has been changed then please send in a renewal document to the club or drop it off in person. If you are looking to upgrade from single to family membership then you will need to complete the renewal document and send it in. Your payment for renewals can now be sent by EMT to the club treasurer at the following email :
Include your membership number and name in the Reference field on the EMT.
Password for the Emt should be: renewal
Our Membership Coordinator will be available to answer questions via email only.
Membership Forms
Please choose between Membership Renewal or New Membership.
For Current Members Only.
New Applications have now been closed off.
The club has recently been bringing in new members to get our max cap to 500 primary members. If you already had an application in with the club it will remain on file. Note there is no timeline for when the club will be bringing on further members.
membership information
Associate Single Membership
Annual fee of $250.00 for Primary Member only which includes 2 Guest Passes.
Associate Family Membership
Annual fee of $300.00 which Includes Primary Member, Spouse and Dependants under the age of 18 which includes 2 Guest Passes. Once dependants reach 19 years of age they must apply for single membership.
New Membership (Probationary)
Probationary members must start as a single membership with a one-time $50.00 Initiation fee for all new applicants. New applicants must successfully pass our Clubs one day orientation session. Probationary membership is moved to Associate status upon one year and has met all the probationary requirements of the Club. Applicants must hold a valid Canadian Possession and Acquisition License (PAL) to apply for membership to NRSGC.
- Single Fee plus Initiation is $300.00 (pro-rated quarterly)
*All Membership fees are inclusive of HST*
Our Membership Coordinator is available by email at the following address:
Our Membership Coordinator will be available to answer questions via email only
Years Operating
Nrsgc Gallery
Various images of our gun club here in the beautiful Niagara Region.

2024 Current Officers
Patrick Patterson
Vice President
Peter Rempel
Dan Michels
Gary Iggulden
Niagara Regional Sportsmen’s Gun Club
P.O. Box 185,
Smithville, Ontario